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Navigating Hygiene Conversations - Fostering Workplace Wellness

HR Covered Inc

Maintaining a productive and harmonious workplace requires addressing a range of issues, and one topic that can often lead to discomfort is personal hygiene. From body odour to excessive use of deodorants, hygiene conversations play a pivotal role in upholding overall workplace wellness. Let’s delve into some additional examples and how to navigate conversations around them.

  1. Inadequate Coughing and Sneezing Etiquette

    Employees who fail to cover their mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing can unwittingly spread germs throughout the workspace. This behaviour can lead to the quick spread of illnesses, impacting not only productivity but also the well-being of everyone in the office. When addressing this issue, emphasize the importance of using tissues or sneezing into the elbow, along with regular handwashing.

  2. Littering and Clutter

    A workspace cluttered with trash, food wrappers, and empty containers is not only unsightly but also unhygienic. Accumulated clutter can attract pests and create an unprofessional atmosphere. Engage in conversations with employees about the significance of keeping their workspace tidy and disposing of trash appropriately.

  3. Excessive Perfume or Cologne Usage

    Address this concern by reminding employees to apply fragrances in moderation, considering the potential impact on coworkers with sensitivities or allergies. If an employee reports an allergy to scented products, consider implementing a Minimal Scent Policy or a No-Scented Products in the Workplace Policy.

  4. Ignoring Oral Health

    Poor oral hygiene can lead to bad breath and dental issues that affect interactions with colleagues and clients. However, there are employees who may not have the means to address this. Ensure to start from a place of compassion when addressing this matter, focus on the well-being of the employee and see if the company may be able to provide assistance, e.g., dental products, etc.

  5. Coming to Work Sick

    Employees who come to work while sick can inadvertently spread illnesses to coworkers. Encourage employees to prioritize their health and well-being by taking sick leave when necessary to prevent the spread of contagious diseases. The Awkward Conversations It’s no secret that discussing personal hygiene with employees can be awkward. The scenario of having to approach an employee who emits a strong odour or employs excessive amounts of deodorant, affecting the workspace’s atmosphere, is one many employers dread. Nonetheless, confronting these issues is crucial, as poor hygiene can impact not only the affected individual but also their colleagues and clients.

Investigate Before You Address

Before initiating any hygiene-related conversation, it’s vital to ensure that there is indeed a problem that needs addressing. Poor hygiene can stem from various factors, including medical conditions, cultural differences, mental health challenges, personal struggles, or simply a lack of grooming habits. Take the time to investigate, ask questions, and assess the situation before moving forward.

Be Mindful of Human Rights Laws

When discussing hygiene concerns, it’s paramount to be mindful of nondiscrimination laws (human rights laws) and their associated protected grounds. Note that these differ from province to province. Every individual’s personal habits and circumstances are unique, and it’s essential to approach the conversation with empathy and respect. Avoid making assumptions about the cause of the issue, and focus on addressing the concern without infringing on an individual’s rights or dignity.

Approaching the Conversation

The conversation should happen in a private and confidential setting, always respecting the individual’s privacy. Anonymous or indirect approaches, such as sending an email, memo, or using a third party, should be avoided, as they can create confusion and discomfort. Instead, ensure that the employee is aware of the conversation’s confidentiality, and that the focus is on finding a solution together.

Take Away

To prevent recurring hygiene concerns, consider implementing hygiene-related guidelines in the workplace. These guidelines could include reminders about using appropriate amounts of personal care products, adhering to grooming standards, and respecting cultural differences. By promoting awareness and open dialogue about hygiene, you can foster a culture where individuals are proactive about their personal care and mindful of their impact on colleagues. Remember, these conversations are not about judgment, but rather about working together to ensure workplace wellness.

– HR Covered Inc.

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