Dr. Krishna Sharma
Director of Physician Engagement
Dr. Krishna Sharma, MD, began his undergraduate studies in New York and Australia before returning to Canada for medical school at Queen’s University. He completed post-graduate training in Internal Medicine at the University of Ottawa, followed by subspecialty Respirology at Kingston General Hospital. Throughout a 20-year career in academic medicine with the Division of Respirology at The Ottawa Hospital, Dr. Sharma focused on assisting graduating fellows transition to practice and thrive both clinically and financially.
Outside of the hospital, Dr. Sharma maintained a busy general Respirology practice in the community and developed business skills through the acquisition and growth of Independent Health Facility Pulmonary Function Testing laboratories and their associated clinical Respirology practices. Starting in Ottawa (Bank Respiratory Services), Dr. Sharma is currently co-managing the PFT lab at Kingston Respiratory Services, including the expanding Respirology practice.